Tag: ticket

event streaming video

Event Streaming Video and One Billion YouTube Viewers

YouTube has just announced that they have one billion people visiting the website every month. This major milestone shows the potential for offering (and monetizing) live event streaming video from your venue. This post looks at just how easy and inexpensive broadcasting your event really is, no matter what type of event you may have.

Should you charge ticket fees?

4 Points to Consider Regarding Fees Venues, promoters, and organizations selling event tickets should understand the impact fees have on ticket sales. Ticket fees may be either a sales deterrent or a profitable revenue stream when your venue retains 100% of the fees collected. These factors should weigh in your decisions regarding fees: 1. The Impact on Profitability and…
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Snowy Winter Driving Conditions

When Winter Weather Derails Your Event

Winter weather may pose dangerous driving and travel conditions that require you to cancel an event for safety reasons. Make sure your patrons know how tickets will be handled in the event of cancellation.