Event Email Alerts

New Event Email Alerts

Want to know when an event sells out? Are you interested in being alerted when your event's ticket inventory dips below the threshold you set when you created the event? Set which email addresses you want to receive these real-time alerts from your Account Settings tab under "Notifications". If you have more than one address, just separate them by commas to notify as many people as desired. Also, we're now allowing more than one email address for your email confirmations. If you want to add another recipient, just append their name to the existing email separated by commas.

New Account Settings Layout!

Have you struggled to find certain fields you needed to edit within your account? Now, your account settings are easy to find with a new and improved layout and tabs separated by account function. We have moved the Account Settings link into the drop-down on the far right of the black menu bar. You can now access your own user login information and other account users from the same drop-down menu (if you have access to add new users). We've added a search field on every page so you can quickly find answers to the questions you have.

New Forum Search

Check out the new search field at the top of your screen. If you have a question, enter a key phrase into the search bar to see if it's already been asked before. Or, click on the arrow to take you into the support forum to search by category.

New Authorize.net Reconciliation Info

Some of you have asked for additional event data to be sent over to Authorize.net to help make daily reconciliation easier for bookkeepers and treasurers. Now, for every order made, the event name and date will be displayed as the 'Description' in each Authorize.net transaction.