August Software Updates - (Happy) Dog Days

The expression "Dog Days" - used to describe the warm temperatures of August - was originally coined in 300 B.C. by Aristotle. But because we love providing our customers with new software updates, this time of year should be called Happy Dog Days!


August 23rd, 2013 12:30 p.m.

Survey Answers in Email

For those of you taking advantage of the Survey module, your customers now will see their survey answers included in the email receipt. This provides both you and them the peace of mind that their data was received.

August 22nd, 2013 10:30 a.m.

HTML Styles Now Available

Want to get creative with your event description, pre-sale and post-sale announcements? Add colors, images, lists and more using HTML markup when building your event. Interested in learning how to add styles and try out what you learn? Check out the W3 Schools CSS Tutorial on HTML styles.

August 20th, 2013 1:30 p.m.

Defending Pesky Chargebacks

You've probably had to deal with a periodic chargeback by a customer who claimed that they either never ordered tickets from your venue or that they never received them. Now, we have made it even easier to provide your bank with documentation showing proof that tickets were delivered, whether a customer opened the email and clicked on the ticket link, and further, if the tickets were actually scanned. When viewing the customer Order in question, check out the new "Print with Barcodes" button to print the order with the data you'll need to help defend against fraud.

August 16th, 2013 2:00 p.m.

We know it's been quiet....

...but we sure have been working! In the coming weeks, we are relaunching our upgraded software with a host of new features. The changes range from the always-important-but-kinda-boring speed improvements, to things like auto-fill of customer data on checkout pages, a whole new color-coded and easy interface for reports, and lots of tiny changes that add up to a big punch.

If you want to share your ideas on reports, please do just that as we reinvent the what and how of our displays. Please contact us to let your voice be heard.

So, start getting excited about great improvements to ThunderTix and your team's productivity!

August 7th, 2013 2:15 p.m.

Add Customer Records without Placing an Order

Perhaps you exchanged business cards with a potential customer or theater donor, but they have not yet attended your venue. Well, now you can add the contact Customer database for future email campaigns. With our Notes feature, you can provide details about your meeting and make your connections more meaningful. Over the next several months you will see more features that help you manage customers and streamline ordering.

P.S. Just wait until you see our next customer feature! :D

August 5th, 2013 10:00 p.m.

Promote your Event on Facebook

Save time on data entry by using our newest feature to post your event in Facebook. ThunderTix will automatically pull your event data and photo, then create the event on your venue's Facebook page. As a final step, we add a link right back to your ThunderTix account to purchase tickets.

This is a beta offering available for limited testing in what is the first of several promotional tools we'll be adding in the coming months. Be sure to take a look at all the features we have to offer and sign up for a free trial today!

Thank you for making ThunderTix your choice in event ticketing.

The ThunderTix Team