Category: Guides

Using your smartphone as a hotspot

If you are having difficulty with your regular internet provider, we recommend setting up your  iPhone or Android device as a mobile WiFi hotspot. Doing so lets you share your smartphone’s mobile network connection with your other devices, allowing them to connect to the internet anywhere that you have mobile service. Please note that this…
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Navigating the Grant Landscape: A Guide for Performing Arts Organizations and Non-Profits

Securing funding through grants is a crucial aspect of sustaining and growing performing arts organizations and non-profits. As the grant landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential for these entities to be well-versed in the art of grant writing. In this blog post, we will explore general best practices, pitfalls to avoid, recommended writing styles, and…
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Charlie Chaplin looking out of a window...lonely from close event businesses

A survival guide for event businesses

There is no handbook on how we — as owners, directors, box office managers and staff for event businesses — should operate in a world where the very essence of what we do, that is, bringing people together, has been banned throughout the world. These circumstances have imposed on all of us a true fight…
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Bringing new life to your venue

Surviving the Coronavirus: 9 ways to keep revenue streams alive

Whatever projections you made regarding revenue, ticket sales or donations in 2020, those projections went out the window with the arrival of the coronavirus. The unprecedented challenges the virus has wrought include a fight for your organization’s survival. Many theatres, music venues, and other event businesses will find themselves shuttered permanently when revenue dries up…
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event vendor forms

Best Practices: Event Vendor Forms

Coordinating event vendor forms can be quite the time consuming chore, made all the more cumbersome when official city forms are involved. The last thing you need to be doing is babysitting a FAX machine or waiting in line at the post office. There is a better way…

credit card processing

Top 5 Best Practices For Online Credit Card Processing

Fast and furious isn’t just a movie title – it’s how you’ll describe your ticket sales after reading these best practices for online credit card processing. ThunderTix strives to provide you with the very best tools to sell more tickets. And after reading these best practices for credit card processing, you’ll see how our tools can…
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Non-profit fundraising

How creative solutions can benefit your non-profit event fundraising

Recent news in the world of the performing arts show there are many ways for non-profit entities to have a successful event through a combination of donations and tickets fees. We look at two recent use cases and show how your ThunderTix account can help. The world needs the Arts Our notoriously glib Fee Free…
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Facebook Timeline - Crouching Tiger, Hidden App

Did Facebook Timeline break your ability to sell tickets? The launch of Facebook’s new Timeline has been a great success, with the vast majority of people enabling it as soon as it was available. If you have enabled Timeline on your Facebook Page and have our Facebook app installed it may be a good idea…
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Embed Event Code

Wrangle a Multi-City Tour: Simple Embed Events Toolkit

Do you need to promote your event or performance on myriad websites at every stop on a multi-city tour? That’s no problem with a simple a toolkit consisting of an embed, a sharable link and customized tweet button. A Herd in Each City If your event or performance is occurring in multiple cities, as part…
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