
Reports Overview

Topics Covered:

[0:12] - Events-based reports
[1:08] - System-wide Reports

Reports Overview Video Transcription:

Hello and welcome! I’d like to share with you the various reports available in ThunderTix. There are two categories for reports (within ThunderTix): events-based reports and system-wide reports. 

Let’s start with Event Reports. First things first, let’s locate where we can find your reports! When you first log into your ThunderTix account, in the left-hand menu, click on Events > Event Manager. There, you will see your current list of upcoming events. In the Reports column on the right, you’ll notice 5 report options: Quick Summary, Waiting List, Event Settlement, Coupons Redeemed, and Ticket Types. These are reports for the entire production or all included performances of the parent event. 

If we click on the Manage button, we will then see the various performance(s) within the event. You’ll see here that there are now 10 reports listed in the Reports column. These are specific to each performance or date/time of the event, and include the Guest List, Settlement Report, Export Guest List, Performance Sales, Coupons Redeemed, Barcodes, Ticket Type, Product Sales, Survey Responses, and Waiting List. These are available per performance or individual date of the parent event. 

Now that you know where the event reports are, let’s take a look at the other reports available through ThunderTix! If you take a look at your left-hand menu, you’ll see the Reports Tab part way down. Clicking here will expand the dropdown and show the various reports available. 

First up is the Dashboard.  This provides an excellent overview of the state of your sales allowing you to compare with previous time frames. The Dashboard is followed by the Reconciliation Report. This is the report that your bookkeeper or treasurer will use most to reconcile bank deposits.  Next is the Comp Tickets Report, which shows complimentary tickets for a specific time period across all events. The Calendar View displays all upcoming performances and allows you to click and drag over a time frame to pull a report for all events selected. Next, the Multi-Event report enables you to create a single report for multiple performances to see how all of them are doing comparatively.. The Event Sales Summary is in list format and shows tickets sold and available, along with other event information, for upcoming events. Similarly, the Event Sales Graph shows a visual representation of all upcoming events, and their respective tickets sold and revenue. Use the Barcode Scan Report to see how many barcodes were scanned per agent at each entrance. The Email Issues Delivery report lists email addresses for both order emails and mass emails that have been blocked, bounced, or unsubscribed, helping you to easily update or remove such email addresses. The Orders with Balances report lists orders with balances still remaining, helping you to quickly process additional payments or view order details. The Unapplied Credits Report lists orders with unapplied credits from exchanges performed at a lesser value, so you can easily view details or process refunds. And finally, you can use the Downloads page to view all of your downloaded reports over the last 30 days.Alright, that's it for now. If you have any questions we have lots of documentation in our how-to guides or you can take a look at our other tutorial videos! Thank you for watching!

Event Software Reports

Topics Covered:

[0:22] - Quick Event Sales Overview
[0:31] - Where to Find Reports
[0:43] - The Guest List
[1:06] - Export Comprehensive Guest List
[1:39] - Event Settlement Report
[2:15] - Event Sales Report
[2:38] - Coupons Report
[2:53] - Barcodes Report
[3:20] - Ticket Type Report
[3:46] - Products Report
[4:01] - Reports Dashboard
[5:43] - Reconciliation Report
[6:10] - Calendar View and Reports
[7:09] - Multi-Event Report
[7:37] - Event Sales Summary
[7:44] - Event Sales Graph
[7:52] - Barcode Scan Report
[8:15] - Downloads Page

Event Software Reports Video Transcription:

Hello and welcome! Today I am going to show you how to create and access event software reports that you can generate through ThunderTix. We will be covering how to find your reports before, during, and after your event. All reports are generated at the time of the download, so they can be downloaded as often as you need leading up to the event and again after it ends.

The main area to view reports while the event is on sale, is from the Events page. To see a quick overview of an event's sales, click on the "i" next to the event. This will show you approximate totals for revenue and tickets sold at a glance. To access more detailed reports for each event date, click on "Manage" for your desired event.

On the right of the page, you'll see a column labeled "Reports". Here you can find a number of helpful options for varying reports. Let's start with the most common option, the Guest List. Click here on the person icon. This report will include things such as all of the attendees for an event, links to their orders, customer comments, admin comments and the ability to sort by shipping type to quickly print tickets, if needed. Additionally, you can access lists of reserved or refunded tickets by clicking these here. If you want to find a specific guest, you can find them by clicking search customers and entering a last name. Also, from this report you can use the electronic guest list check-in, where you can scan tickets by clicking on the barcode, this full process is explained in another video tutorial.

If you would like a more comprehensive guest list, including all of the customer's contact information such as emails and phone numbers, you can export this list by clicking the export button. You can also export the guest list directly by clicking the check mark icon in the Reports column. After clicking, the report begins processing to your Downloads tab and when it's ready it will appear as a link. Make sure you save your reports, as they are deleted after 30 days. All spreadsheets are in CSV format so they can be imported to your favorite spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets.

Next, let's go over how to create an Event Settlement report. By clicking on the second icon here you will see that there are various items you can hide from the report. Hiding order fees is often important to music venues who don't generally share fee revenue with the artist. ThunderTix saves these personalized settings until you return and change them again. Now, clicking submit will allow you to download a PDF of the information. The Settlement report can give you a comprehensive financial overview of that specific performance from tickets sold by type, fees collected, refunds, discounts, coupons given, sales tax and more.

The bar graph icon exports an event's performance sales report. This report includes information for each of the orders made for that event date, including customer contact information, shipping information, revenue for donations, fees, tax, discounts, totals, as well as customer comments and administrative comments. Like the guest list export, it also includes customer contact and shipping information.

When you hover over the next icon, you'll see "Export Coupons Redeemed". If you offered coupons for your event or performance, we offer a spreadsheet of all coupons redeemed for that performance, their value, quantity and customer information.

For any event you manage, when tickets are generated, we create valid barcodes per ticket processed. Clicking the barcode icon produces a spreadsheet of all valid barcodes for a performance. With each barcode, we provide the customer name, the ticket type purchased, whether or not it's been scanned, the agent that scanned the code as well as the timestamp of when it was scanned. A "0" in the Scanned column indicates it has not been scanned while a "1" indicates a successful scan.

Now, If you want to export a list of all tickets purchased, but you want those tickets to be sortable by the type of ticket purchased rather than by the full order with all tickets, use the next icon that looks like a ticket. This will export a spreadsheet where each ticket type is separated to its own row allowing you to sort by ticket type. This will also include customer information in case you need to get contact information only for customers who purchased a certain type of ticket.

Finally, if you want information about all of the products purchased with a performance, use the "P" icon. You'll receive a list of the products and the quantities purchased for each customer coming to the show so you can have the merchandise pulled and ready to provide the customer when they check in.

Another important way to access reports for multiple events is from the reports tab. When you click on the Reports tab, you will be taken to your Dashboard which shows a snapshot of your total revenue, fees and donations collected along with the total number of customers saved in your database. Here you'll see a table showing a snapshot of yesterday and today's transactions. You can find totals for tickets sold, comped, refunded, products, and more. If you'd like to receive this information as a daily summary, enter your email address in the Notifications tab of your Account Settings.

Beneath this table, you can set a date range, either by selecting one of the predetermined options here or choosing a beginning and ending date. Once you set a date range and click get report, you can access a sales pie chart, shopping cart abandonment rates, email delivery statistics, and graphs of tickets sold by day within your set time period. The sales pie chart shows you how many orders were paid, abandoned, declined, voided, or reserved. Hover over any section of the chart to see the total orders and the total revenue. Abandonment rates track the number of your customers that began the order process, got to the checkout page, but ultimately abandoned it. Industry averages are determined by comparing your rate with others in similar industries. Delivery stats display how many order, reminder, and post event emails, were delivered, blocked, or unsubscribed. The tickets sold graph will map ticket sales on a timeline for the date range selected. Hover over any item to see the total number of tickets sold, the revenue from ticket sales before coupons are applied. Stacked on the ticket sales are any comps for which no revenue exists. Refunds will appear below the line. Clicking on any day of the date range will produce a second graph underneath displaying tickets sold in the 24 hour period for that date.

If you're looking for a report that includes all daily transactions to help with bank reconciliation, the Reconciliation Report includes all ticket orders, sales tax, donations, product and gift card purchases, refunds from previous orders, exchanges and voided orders. You can export this report from any time period you would like, for up to one month. Due to variations in gateway report, do take a moment to read how to manipulate the gateway report to match your incoming orders.

To see all your events on a calendar view, hover over the reports tab and click calendar view. From this page, you can see a monthly, weekly, or daily view of your events. You can also export monthly, weekly, daily, or single event sales reports. These reports will show a detailed overview of the sales for each event included in that time frame. To exclude events from the report, find the event in the left menu and click the "X" to have the event hidden from the Calendar view prior to generating the report. To export all events taking place over the month, week, or day, choose your desired time period and click either arrow to navigate to your desired date range. Then click the generate sales report button. To export a single event sales report, locate the event and click the bar graph icon. If you want a sales report for a specific performance of the event, then locate the event's performance on the calendar and click Sales Report. The calendar view also lets you color code events for your own display and display on the calendar shown to the public.

If you ever want to export a report for multiple events at once, it's easy. All you have to do is hover over the reports tab, click Multi-Event report. Then, select a date range that includes your desired events. Next, select which events you would like to include in the report. This report will show a general overview and comparison of ticket sales, product sales, and revenue from fees, shipping and donations and total revenue across all events included in the report.

From the Reports tab, you can also access a summary of upcoming events showing set prices, fees and tickets sold. Visually see how your events are selling by checking the Event Sales Graph -- a bar graph comparing revenue and ticket sales per upcoming event. The Barcode Scan Report shows Barcodes Scanned by day. This report provides a PDF document of all barcodes scanned across all events on a single day. The document is separated first by each staff member scanning tickets and then by ticket type. Rather than showing the actual barcode IDs, this report provides a total summary of each ticket type scanned by user.

Finally, here from the Downloads page, you can access your recently exported reports and have the ability to delete past downloaded reports. Downloaded reports are stored for only 30 days, so make sure you save a copy of anything you want to retain permanently.

Alright, that's it for now. If you have any questions we have lots of documentation in our how-to guides or you can take a look at our other tutorial videos! Thank you for watching!