One-Click "Comp Order" Function Now Available!

One-Click "Comp Order" Function

Use our one-click "Comp Order" button to fully waive all ticket and product prices along with any added fees to provide complimentary service to your customers at checkout. One note: should a donation be added to any "comped" order, we do not waive those gift amounts.



Coupon Usage by Voucher Code

"We sell flex passes with 5 coupons per flexpass. We need to be able to see how many of the 5 coupons have been used by entering the 11 digit flexpass code. That way we can tell a patron they have used all their coupons for a given season. Since our patrons buy tickets for each other, we don’t know of any other way we can track usage of the flexpass codes."

From any customer's record, we now display a "voucher" column to quickly identify when automatically generated coupon codes, or vouchers, were created for a given order.

Notice the "vouchers" column below:

When you look at the order information itself, as always, the actual voucher codes that were created are displayed. In a new feature, we now display any orders where those codes were redeemed. You can click on each of those order IDs to help patrons understand when and for which performances they've made those redemptions.

If you need any help using this new feature, please visit our support forum and take a look at our tutorial videos.