New Features - Christmas in July

New THunderTix Features - It's Like Christmas in July

As part of our our on-going effort to bring you the very latest tools to help you increase ticket sales, we’re excited to announce several new features and improvements to your ThunderTix account. It’s like Christmas but without that weird Uncle who drinks all your booze!

Survey Questions (Beta)

How often have you wanted to ask a visitor to your website “So, how did you find out about us?” Now you can easily get an answer to that question and any others you may have with the new custom surveys.

Our custom survey feature allows you to pose up to five different questions to buyers during the checkout process. Use our “required fields” option to ensure you receive answers to questions you simply simply must know to fulfill an order appropriately.

Answers to questions can be an important source of information driving decisions your venue makes about allocating advertising dollars, choosing entertainment types, or even considering operation hours for box office staff.

ThunderTix Surveys is now in beta testing for select venues is the option to create a survey for buyers at the time of checkout. This is an optional module with limited release to test the effectiveness of this new feature.You can read an in-depth description of how Surveys work and the power of required fields on the dedicated feature page.

Also, if you are interested in conducting a survey as a beta-tester, please contact support.

Venue Permissions

We have two new permissions that allow you to make changes without calling the ThunderTix support staff...

Wondering what gateways we offer for credit card processing? You can now edit your Account page and view and change your gateway and settings.

We offer two different displays for events: the standard event display is what most of you see with links to external social media such as Facebook and Yelp, and the calendar style that many of our daily tours use due to its date search functionality. Now you can toggle this setting and decide what is best for your venue.

Single Event Page with Social Sharing

Many of you have been relegated to performing double-entry for Events with lengthy descriptions on your own websites and a shorter version on ThunderTix to prevent the all-events page from being too long. Well, no more!

We now offer via the Embed Code either links or embedded iframes for a single event including your event image, description, external links, and new social sharing widgets for Facebook and Twitter. So, type on my friend, and add information to your heart's content!

Orders Open in New Window

The full orders listing available at the top of the navigation menu includes links to Order Summaries for each order. To help retain your page number on the paginated listing, we now open all orders in a new window.

Seating Chart Editing Now Shows Sold Seats

Marking seats as "unavailable" on events already on sale just got easier. We now show sold seats on the seating chart editing page, so you won't have to toggle back and forth between your seating chart and the event's sold display.

Browser Information

When possible we have begun collecting some browser information which is displayed on completed orders. Specifically:

Referrer - The Referrer is the site from which users came before purchasing their tickets. This is especially important if you have paid advertising, and you want to get an idea of where your buyers come from.

Browser - With the explosion of phones, tablets, and constant browser version updates ( Like FireFox 14! ), it can be helpful to know the buyer's browser to track down why a potential problem occurred and helps us assist in the purchase process.

IP Address - We have been accumulating the IP Address of buyers for some time, and an update to come, we intend to show you an analysis of where buyers are coming from geographically.

We’d love to hear from you!

As always, should you have any questions about this bonanza of new features and improvements, you can write us or ask on Twitter, Facebook and google+ or let us know in the comments below!