New CRM - Customer Relationship Manager

CRM Software - Customer Relationship Manager

Today we've launched a host of new search tools and additional fields to help you identify your patrons for future marketing opportunities, donor solicitations, and general record keeping.

  1. New Customer Classifications - Edit any existing customer and you'll have the opportunity to add a classification to your patron that can then be applied to any other customer in your database. You can create classifications such as "Volunteer", "VIP", or "Benefactor" and then quickly search for and identify all patrons of a given classification. There is no limit to the number of classifications you can create and apply to any person.
  2. Event Genres - Marketing opportunities by Genre help you identify patrons who have purchased a particular type of event in the past. For example, knowing which patrons who purchased last year's Merle Haggard show will help you market to patrons who might be interested in another C&W event this summer. You can create and apply one or more Genres to any of your new or existing events and then have immediate access to a great new filter for your searches.
  3. LYBUNT, SYBUNT, Donor Frequency - Who donated Last Year But Unfortunately Not This Year? Or Some Year but not this year? Our Donation History allows you to search donors by the amount, frequency, and time period of their donations.
  4. Event Purchase History Filtering - So, sales for your upcoming show, "West Side Story", are moving a little slowly. A similar show, "Grease", played last year to sell out crowds, so why not target those buyers? Our new filter, "Previously bought" but "Have not yet bought" allows you to find patrons who enjoyed one type of show in the past but haven't yet purchased your new show. The same filter can be extended to allow you to identify purchasers of a particular genre but haven't yet purchased tickets for an upcoming show.
  5. Opt-in Filtering - Extend any search previously mentioned to filter out any patron who elected to accept email marketing.
  6. Multiple Notes - Your staff members may record multiple notes about each of your customers. All are timestamped and recorded under the name of the entering staff member.
  7. Shipping Addresses - We've pulled all existing shipping addresses from orders where they existed and copied them into new shipping address fields for each customer.
  8. Additional Personal Details - Multiple phone numbers, spouse or or partner name, birth date, and gender are just a few of the new fields we've added to help you keep track of your patrons' personal details.

What More Can We Do? - What are we missing? What would allow you to do your job more efficiently? Let us know how we can make this even better!

We'll be extending today's CRM launch soon with additional new capabilities in Phase 2, such as the ability to add customers without an email address, merging two customers' histories into one, and email integration!