Exciting New Features to Ring in the New Year!

New features for a new year - ThunderTix software updates

Here at ThunderTix, we're resolving to help you get your jobs done more efficiently in 2013. This might take the form of more interlinks between pages for faster navigation, more bulk processes, or features to save staff time. To that end, if you ever get phone calls about email delivery, you are going to love some of January's new features!

Reminder: If you wish to continue receiving confirmation emails, make sure you click My Account, click your Venue name, then click the box labeled for emails. As a reminder, we will no longer be sending email attachments with order confirmations as of February 1, 2013. All tickets will be available to your customers through a prominently displayed link. Please contact us if you have any questions.

January 17, 1:00 a.m.

Improve Display of "CVV" Explanation on Checkout

Paul B. suggested we use a hover to explain the Credit Card Verification (CVV) code on the checkout page rather than opening the explanation in a new window. Thanks, Paul!

Show the "Resend My Tickets" Link for All Venues

To help customers retrieve their own emails, we've included a link at the bottom of your events' listing. You can (and probably should) still embed the iFrame code within a page on your own website with a prominent link from your Home or Contact page, as having the link in more than one place reduces phone calls.

Changes Regarding HTML Tags in Event Listings

We've been fairly relaxed in allowing the use of HTML in the event descriptions shown to your buyers. As a safeguard, we've tightened up the allowed tags to make the listing of events safe for everyone. You can still use paragraph, bold, emphasis, and other simple tags so you may retain some control over styling. As a reminder, the HTML formatting tutorial is available on the Event creation and edit pages for review.

January 6, 5:00 p.m.

View Email Delivery Statistics

We've been compiling statistics on email deliveries since December 20, and you may view the status of any email by viewing the Order Details. Look for the button entitled, "View Delivery Status", and a window will appear showing the status of all emails sent from any order including a full key describing each status. The button is displayed only for orders after December 20 or older orders that are resent after that date.

Resubscribe Email Addresses

Periodically, customers inadvertently unsubscribe their email address or mark an order confirmation as "spam". When this occurs, our email program will no longer send emails to the address until you remove them from our unsubscribe and spam lists. When this status exists you will see the date the customer made the change and a link to resubscribe the recipient's email address.

Allow Customers to Retrieve "Lost" Emails

Your customers can now resend their own order confirmations! Our new code snippet allows you to embed a form into any page on your website where your customers can enter their email address to resend all order confirmations for orders for upcoming events.

We suggest you link to the page from your venue's contact page or alongside phone numbers using descriptive text (ie. "Lost your tickets? Click here.") The iframe code can be found from the My Account tab by clicking on "Get Code". Cut, paste, and enjoy!

Option to Turn Off Confirmation Emails for Venues

For those of you who wish to turn off confirmation emails, go to My Account, click on your Venue Name, then check the box under the email address in General Information.

WARNING: If you wish to continue receiving copies of order confirmations, you must check the box before January 31 when email confirmations to venues will be turned off by default.

Important Change January 31, 2013

Orders Confirmations will No Longer Contain Tickets as Attachments
Internet Service Providers (ISP) hold heightened suspicion of any emails containing attachments simply because the old methods of spreading viruses were so successful when sent as attachments. For that reason, ISPs often strip attachments from emails, immediately deliver them to spam, or prevent their delivery altogether. In order to help reduce phone calls you receive about delivery and thus save staff time, we no longer will be sending tickets as attachments. We will continue sending the link to download the attachment but highlight the link to make it more prominent.

"Confirm Email" Field Removed at Checkout for Logged In Users

Thanks to Jim S. for the great idea to remove the "confirm email" field on the order checkout screen since it wasn't required for logged in users in the first place!

As always, if you have any questions regarding these updates please contact support.

Thank you for making ThunderTix your choice in event ticketing.

The ThunderTix Team