Check-in from the Guest List

For all ThunderTix plans, we now offer a barcode scanning alternative with our new feature that allows you to check-in from the guest list.

How to Check-in from the Guest List:
    1. Login to ThunderTix on your phone, tablet or computer.
    2. Click on the Manage button next to your desired event.
    3. From this page, click the person icon under the "Reports" column. Then you will be taken to the Guest List page.
    4. Click on the button, "Start Guest Check-in" at the top left of the page. (We've hidden this feature by default to prevent accidental "scans" which cannot be undone.)
    5. When finished checking in, click the "End Check-in" button.

Each order's barcodes will be displayed in clickable format allowing you to check-in guests as they arrive. We'll alert you when a ticket has previously been checked-in to help reduce fraudulent entry via duplicated tickets.