Category: Donors

Jar of coins and a laptop with the words, "Tax savings 101 for Donors"

Educate Donors About Year-End Tax Benefits

For the performing arts, the holidays represent both an opportunity to call on potential donors but also to educate donors about the year-end tax benefits of those contributions. This time of celebration and gratitude gives patrons the chance to support their favorite causes while helping your organization thrive. In this post, we provide some ideas…
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stage with thank you for financial support for performing arts theater

Encore of Gratitude: 15 Ways to Elevate Donor Appreciation in the Arts

What are the best and most creative ways to show donor appreciation? Recognizing and thanking donors is crucial for maintaining strong relationships and encouraging continued support. When you publicly express your gratitude, you provide increased visibility for your organization and a feel-good moment for your individual donors. Further, these public displays of thanks inspire others…
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