Sell Restaurant Tickets

You buy tickets online, as if for a Lakers game or a rock concert...the restaurant ticketing system allows the restaurant to control the costs. - Jonathan Gold

Reasons to Sell Tickets at Your Restaurant

  • Get your money up-front, deposited directly into your bank account nightly
  • No more wasting food since you know exactly how many guests you'll be serving
  • Reduce, or eliminate entirely, costly reservation no-shows
  • More repeat business from superior customer retention data
  • Make a gradual transition to selling tickets, it’s not an all-or-nothing commitment

Get Your Money Up-Front

First and foremost, above all other benefits, restaurants sell tickets to get working capital up-front, well in advance of the dining experience.

Your ticket sales dollars are directly deposited nightly into your bank account. If you already do online processing of credit cards you can sign-up for a new ThunderTix account and start selling tickets the same day.

No More Wasting Food

The National Association of Restaurants cites food costs as the top challenge of 2014, saying that more than 30% of revenue goes toward buying food.

You can greatly lower your food costs when you sell tickets in advance because you will know exactly how many guests you will be serving for every service.

Eliminate Costly No-Shows

Greatly reduce - if not completely eliminate - costly no-shows by simply selling tickets online.

On busy days like Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve, your customers will be glad to buy tickets in-advance once they realize it guarantees them a table.

Repeat Business

When compared to a reservation, the benefit of ticketing software for restaurants is obvious - no meaningful customer data can be gathered from telephone reservations.

By selling tickets, you get customer's:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Order history
  • Dietary preferences (via the survey feature)

Having the contact information and purchase history available is something a telephone reservation can never do!

Make a Gradual Transition

A frequent misconception by restaurant owners is they must sell tickets for every seating the house - all at once - but that is not the case!

You can take a gradual approach and sell tickets for one night a week, or for one special area of your restaurant like the chef's table. Mix and match days of the week and available tables to see how it goes and how well ticket sell (and how much money you make).

At ThunderTix, We Speak "Restaurant"

When you say "table d'hôte" we know what you mean. In addition to being the most restaurant friendly ticketing software available, know that ThunderTix has years of experience helping every kind of venue sell tickets online. You will inherit our expertise when you decide to make the move from telephone reservations to selling tickets, either all-at-once or gradually.

Limited time offer - For most small to medium sized restaurants, we can have you set-up with a new account and selling tickets in one business day.

We make your transition to selling tickets instead easy with our highly regarded free online support and we do not require any long-term contract.

Take a look at our plans and consider signing up for a free trial today!