1 00:00:00,350 --> 00:00:01,360 Hello and welcome! 2 00:00:01,360 --> 00:00:04,220 Today I am going to show you how to create and access reports that you can 3 00:00:04,220 --> 00:00:05,680 generate through ThunderTix. 4 00:00:05,680 --> 00:00:10,090 We will be covering how to find your reports before, during, and after your event. 5 00:00:10,090 --> 00:00:14,470 All reports are generated at the time of the download, so they can be downloaded as often 6 00:00:14,470 --> 00:00:18,390 as you need leading up to the event and again after it ends. 7 00:00:18,390 --> 00:00:22,770 The main area to view reports while the event is on sale, is from the Events page. 8 00:00:22,770 --> 00:00:27,190 To see a quick overview of an event’s sales, click on the i next to the event. 9 00:00:27,190 --> 00:00:31,890 This will show you approximate totals for revenue and tickets sold at a glance. 10 00:00:31,890 --> 00:00:36,499 To access more detailed reports for each event date, click on “Manage” for your desired 11 00:00:36,499 --> 00:00:37,499 event. 12 00:00:37,499 --> 00:00:40,249 On the right of the page, you’ll see a column labeled “Reports”. 13 00:00:40,249 --> 00:00:43,500 Here you can find a number of helpful options for varying reports. 14 00:00:43,500 --> 00:00:46,760 Let’s start with the most common option, the Guest List. 15 00:00:46,760 --> 00:00:48,320 Click here on the person icon. 16 00:00:48,320 --> 00:00:52,940 This report will include things such as all of the attendees for an event, links to their 17 00:00:52,940 --> 00:00:58,039 orders, customer comments, admin comments and the ability to sort by shipping type to 18 00:00:58,039 --> 00:01:00,379 quickly print tickets, if needed. 19 00:01:00,379 --> 00:01:04,939 Also, from this report you can use the electronic guest list check-in, which is explained in 20 00:01:04,939 --> 00:01:06,780 another video tutorial. 21 00:01:06,780 --> 00:01:10,750 If you would like a more comprehensive guest list, including all of the customer’s contact 22 00:01:10,750 --> 00:01:15,820 information such as emails and phone numbers, you can export this list by clicking the export 23 00:01:15,820 --> 00:01:16,820 button. 24 00:01:16,820 --> 00:01:20,850 You can also export the guest list directly by clicking the check mark icon in the Reports 25 00:01:20,850 --> 00:01:21,850 column. 26 00:01:21,850 --> 00:01:25,969 After clicking, the report begins processing to your Downloads tab and when it’s ready 27 00:01:25,969 --> 00:01:27,259 it will appear as a link to your computer. 28 00:01:27,259 --> 00:01:30,810 Make sure you save your reports, as they are deleted after 30 days. 29 00:01:30,810 --> 00:01:35,329 All spreadsheets are in CSV format so they can be imported to your favorite spreadsheet 30 00:01:35,329 --> 00:01:38,719 program like Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets. 31 00:01:38,719 --> 00:01:42,540 Next, let’s go over how to create an Event Settlement report. 32 00:01:42,540 --> 00:01:46,899 By clicking on the second icon here you will see that there are various items you can hide 33 00:01:46,899 --> 00:01:48,210 from the report. 34 00:01:48,210 --> 00:01:52,909 Hiding order fees is often important to music venues who don’t generally share fee revenue 35 00:01:52,909 --> 00:01:54,140 with the artist. 36 00:01:54,140 --> 00:01:58,990 ThunderTix saves these personalized settings until you return and change them again. 37 00:01:58,990 --> 00:02:03,479 Now, clicking submit will allow you to download a PDF of the information. 38 00:02:03,479 --> 00:02:08,319 The Settlement report can give you a comprehensive financial overview of that specific performance 39 00:02:08,319 --> 00:02:14,660 from tickets sold by type, fees collected, refunds, discounts, coupons given, sales tax 40 00:02:14,660 --> 00:02:15,800 and more. 41 00:02:15,800 --> 00:02:19,750 The bar graph icon exports an event’s performance sales report. 42 00:02:19,750 --> 00:02:24,250 This report includes information for each of the orders made for that event date, including 43 00:02:24,250 --> 00:02:30,580 customer contact information, shipping information, revenue for donations, fees, tax, discounts, 44 00:02:30,580 --> 00:02:34,390 totals, as well as customer comments and administrative comments. 45 00:02:34,390 --> 00:02:39,280 Like the guest list export, it also includes customer contact and shipping information. 46 00:02:39,280 --> 00:02:43,450 When you hover over the next icon, you’ll see “Export Coupons Redeemed”. 47 00:02:43,450 --> 00:02:48,250 If you offered coupons for your event or performance, we offer a spreadsheet of all coupons redeemed 48 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:53,160 for that performance, their value, quantity and customer information. 49 00:02:53,160 --> 00:02:57,870 For any event you manage, when tickets are generated, we create valid barcodes per ticket 50 00:02:57,870 --> 00:02:59,050 processed. 51 00:02:59,050 --> 00:03:04,090 Clicking the barcode icon produces a spreadsheet of all valid barcodes for a performance. 52 00:03:04,090 --> 00:03:08,370 With each barcode, we provide the customer name, the ticket type purchased, whether or 53 00:03:08,370 --> 00:03:12,830 not it’s been scanned, the agent that scanned the code as well as the timestamp of when 54 00:03:12,830 --> 00:03:13,830 it was scanned. 55 00:03:13,830 --> 00:03:19,870 A “0” in the Scanned column indicates it has not been scanned while a “1” indicates 56 00:03:19,870 --> 00:03:21,360 a successful scan. 57 00:03:21,360 --> 00:03:25,900 Now, If you want to export a list of all tickets purchased, but you want those tickets to be 58 00:03:25,900 --> 00:03:30,690 sortable by the type of ticket purchased rather than by the full order with all tickets, use 59 00:03:30,690 --> 00:03:33,060 the next icon that looks like a ticket. 60 00:03:33,060 --> 00:03:37,650 This will export a spreadsheet where each ticket type is separated to its own row allowing 61 00:03:37,650 --> 00:03:39,720 you to sort by ticket type. 62 00:03:39,720 --> 00:03:43,870 This will also include customer information in case you need to get contact information 63 00:03:43,870 --> 00:03:46,750 only for customers who purchased a certain type of ticket. 64 00:03:46,750 --> 00:03:51,260 Finally, if you want information about all of the products purchased with a performance, 65 00:03:51,260 --> 00:03:52,260 use the “P” icon. 66 00:03:52,260 --> 00:03:56,220 You’ll receive a list of the products and the quantities purchased for each customer 67 00:03:56,220 --> 00:04:00,570 coming to the show so you can have the merchandise pulled and ready to provide the customer when 68 00:04:00,570 --> 00:04:01,610 they check in. 69 00:04:01,610 --> 00:04:06,290 Another important way to access reports for multiple events is from the reports tab. 70 00:04:06,290 --> 00:04:10,640 When you click on the Reports tab, you will be taken to your Dashboard which shows a snapshot 71 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:15,420 of your total revenue, fees and donations collected along with the total number of customers 72 00:04:15,420 --> 00:04:17,220 saved in your database. 73 00:04:17,220 --> 00:04:21,430 Here you’ll see a table showing a snapshot of yesterday and today’s transactions. 74 00:04:21,430 --> 00:04:25,940 You can find totals for tickets sold, comped, refunded, products, and more. 75 00:04:25,940 --> 00:04:29,530 If you’d like to receive this information as a daily summary, enter your email address 76 00:04:29,530 --> 00:04:32,280 in the Notifications tab of your Account Settings. 77 00:04:32,280 --> 00:04:36,620 Beneath this table, you can set a date range, either by selecting one of the predetermined 78 00:04:36,620 --> 00:04:40,000 options here or choosing a beginning and ending date. 79 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:44,280 Once you set a date range and click get report, you can access a sales pie chart, shopping 80 00:04:44,280 --> 00:04:50,000 cart abandonment rates, email delivery statistics, and graphs of tickets sold by day within your 81 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:51,310 set time period. 82 00:04:51,310 --> 00:04:56,460 The sales pie chart shows you how many orders were paid, abandoned, declined, voided, or 83 00:04:56,460 --> 00:04:57,460 reserved. 84 00:04:57,460 --> 00:05:02,010 Hover over any section of the chart to see the total orders and the total revenue. 85 00:05:02,010 --> 00:05:05,660 Abandonment rates track the number of your customers that began the order process, got 86 00:05:05,660 --> 00:05:08,560 to the checkout page, but ultimately abandoned it. 87 00:05:08,560 --> 00:05:13,970 Industry averages are determined by comparing your rate with others in similar industries. 88 00:05:13,970 --> 00:05:18,970 Delivery stats display how many order, reminder, and post event emails, were delivered, blocked, 89 00:05:18,970 --> 00:05:20,060 or unsubscribed. 90 00:05:20,060 --> 00:05:24,500 The tickets sold graph will map ticket sales on a timeline for the date range selected. 91 00:05:24,500 --> 00:05:28,900 Hover over any item to see the total number of tickets sold, the revenue from ticket sales 92 00:05:28,900 --> 00:05:30,800 before coupons are applied. 93 00:05:30,800 --> 00:05:35,280 Stacked on the ticket sales are any comps for which no revenue exists. 94 00:05:35,280 --> 00:05:37,370 Refunds will appear below the line. 95 00:05:37,370 --> 00:05:41,060 Clicking on any day of the date range will produce a second graph underneath displaying 96 00:05:41,060 --> 00:05:44,280 tickets sold in the 24 hour period for that date. 97 00:05:44,280 --> 00:05:49,810 If you’re looking for a report that includes all daily transactions to help with bank reconciliation, 98 00:05:49,810 --> 00:05:54,990 the Reconciliation Report includes all ticket orders, sales tax, donations, product and 99 00:05:54,990 --> 00:06:00,060 gift card purchases, refunds from previous orders, exchanges and voided orders. 100 00:06:00,060 --> 00:06:04,300 You can export this report from any time period you would like, for up to one month. 101 00:06:04,300 --> 00:06:08,400 Due to variations in gateway report, do take a moment to read how to manipulate the gateway 102 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:10,640 report to match your incoming orders. 103 00:06:10,640 --> 00:06:15,140 To see all your events on a calendar view, hover over the reports tab and click calendar 104 00:06:15,140 --> 00:06:16,140 view. 105 00:06:16,140 --> 00:06:20,290 From this page, you can see a monthly, weekly, or daily view of your events. 106 00:06:20,290 --> 00:06:24,860 You can also export monthly, weekly, daily, or single event sales reports. 107 00:06:24,860 --> 00:06:29,270 These reports will show a detailed overview of the sales for each event included in that 108 00:06:29,270 --> 00:06:30,270 time frame. 109 00:06:30,270 --> 00:06:35,100 To exclude events from the report, find the event in the left menu and click the “X” 110 00:06:35,100 --> 00:06:39,880 to have the event hidden from the Calendar view prior to generating the report. 111 00:06:39,880 --> 00:06:44,430 To export all events taking place over the month, week, or day, choose your desired time 112 00:06:44,430 --> 00:06:48,480 period and click either arrow to navigate to your desired date range. 113 00:06:48,480 --> 00:06:50,670 Then click the generate sales report button. 114 00:06:50,670 --> 00:06:55,670 To export a single event sales report, locate the event and click the bar graph icon. 115 00:06:55,670 --> 00:06:59,730 If you want a sales report for a specific performance of the event, then locate the 116 00:06:59,730 --> 00:07:02,870 event’s performance on the calendar and click Sales Report. 117 00:07:02,870 --> 00:07:07,080 The calendar view also lets you color code events for your own display and display on 118 00:07:07,080 --> 00:07:09,270 the calendar shown to the public. 119 00:07:09,270 --> 00:07:13,310 If you ever want to export a report for multiple events at once, it’s easy. 120 00:07:13,310 --> 00:07:17,710 All you have to do is hover over the reports tab, click Multi-Event report. 121 00:07:17,710 --> 00:07:21,260 Then, select a date range that includes your desired events. 122 00:07:21,260 --> 00:07:24,620 Next, select which events you would like to include in the report. 123 00:07:24,620 --> 00:07:29,830 This report will show a general overview and comparison of ticket sales, product sales, 124 00:07:29,830 --> 00:07:36,050 and revenue from fees, shipping and donations and total revenue across all events included 125 00:07:36,050 --> 00:07:37,180 in the report. 126 00:07:37,180 --> 00:07:42,500 From the Reports tab, you can also access a summary of upcoming events showing set prices, 127 00:07:42,500 --> 00:07:44,449 fees and tickets sold. 128 00:07:44,449 --> 00:07:49,770 Visually see how your events are selling by checking the Event Sales Graph -- a bar graph 129 00:07:49,770 --> 00:07:53,350 comparing revenue and ticket sales per upcoming event. 130 00:07:53,350 --> 00:07:57,050 The Barcode Scan Report shows Barcodes Scanned by day. 131 00:07:57,050 --> 00:08:02,120 This report provides a PDF document of all barcodes scanned across all events on a single 132 00:08:02,120 --> 00:08:03,120 day. 133 00:08:03,120 --> 00:08:07,660 The document is separated first by each staff member scanning tickets and then by ticket 134 00:08:07,660 --> 00:08:08,880 type. 135 00:08:08,880 --> 00:08:13,240 Rather than showing the actual barcode IDs, this report provides a total summary of each 136 00:08:13,240 --> 00:08:15,780 ticket type scanned by user. 137 00:08:15,780 --> 00:08:20,680 Finally, Here from the Downloads page, you can access your recently exported reports 138 00:08:20,680 --> 00:08:24,910 and have the ability to delete past downloaded reports. 139 00:08:24,910 --> 00:08:29,389 Downloaded reports are stored for only 30 days, so make sure you save a copy of anything 140 00:08:29,389 --> 00:08:30,930 you want to retain permanently. 141 00:08:30,930 --> 00:08:33,649 Alright, that’s it for now. 142 00:08:33,649 --> 00:08:38,189 If you have any questions we have lots of documentation in our support forum or you 143 00:08:38,189 --> 00:08:39,960 can open a support request! 144 00:08:39,960 --> 00:08:40,519 Thank you for watching!